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constantly led by superior quality. who sells the best https://tr.watchesbuy.to/ functions huge items. swiss www.christianlouboutinreplica.ru triumphs are generally inspiring.New Moon in TaurusWATCH VIDEOThe New Moon this month takes place on the 3rd June at 11:01 in the GMT Timezone, at 6:01 in the EDT Timezone and at 20:01 in the AEDT Timezone and the New Moon will take place in the sign of Taurus in the True Live Time Sky.
The New Moon in Taurus and with all the aspects involved, which are quite challenging this month, shows a strong need for many of us to get to grips with our lifestyles with respect to our way of thinking and being. The energies coming in are still heavy and dense from the Full Moon that occurred last month, especially for those of us that are still struggling with self love or are still stuck in karmic cycles regarding old traditions either inherited by our upbringing or our community. Taurus is very Earth bound and can be very materialistic since his sense of well being is based on his need for material security and the comforts in life, and he can become insatiable, obsessed and self indulgent when under stress. But on the whole Taurus is a sign that we can depend on for longevity and getting the job done if he is in a place of balance. Taurus is not a sign that initiates, he is a sign that will take the bull by horns and complete the tasks already set, with grace and dedication. MOREKim's pageKim's webpageOrder a 13 sign/13 house natal readingFollow the Rastar 13 sign fb group
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#13 and OphiuchusReposted from The Wisdom of 9By Nisha (Moon)Let's start off with the current view of Friday 13th. Fear of the number is the most prevalent superstition in the Western world. There is even a phobia name after it called triskaidekaphobia. There are many people who would consider themselves rational who are quite common to act in fear of this superstitious number, for example Winston Churchill refused to sit in row 13 in the theater or on an airplane. Statistics estimate that at least 10% of the U.S. population has a fear of the number 13 and each year there is about a $800 million loss, people will not get married on the 13th, travel and in severe cases won't even go to work.Clearly this is serious. So, what did the number 13 represent in ancient times and who changed its meaning? MORETarot in the Realm of OphiuchusSearch the Site From the Ether
PLUTO: Talking About Your GenerationClick on your birth year to find out moreFIND YOUR TRUE SIGN Astrology: more than the signsFor thousands of years, astrology has been lurking in the shadows of our consciousness. Shrouded in mystery and chaos, the study of astrology has thus far only hinted at its true gift to humanity. MOREOphiuchus and Ether
The Yin and Yang of existenceOphiuchus represents the natural law and its changes; she appears out of the ether, a substance of ineffable transformation and marvel. Astrology tells us that ether is the "element" of Ophiuchus. Ether has a spiritual and material meaning in astrology, since in early times it was the only known catalyst for chemical reactions and detonation. Ether also had the amazing power to take away pain, but behind its mundane uses, ether also represented polarity, as two extremes working in tandem.Over 3,000 years ago, the Chinese designated ether as the centerpiece for a universal law of the unity of opposites, as expressed with Yin and Yang symbols. This set ether apart from other substances, since, for then-unknown reasons, ether was unpredictable and volatile, just as likely to blow up in our faces as to provide us with blessings. Ether was anointed with miraculous powers of transformation, even the mistaken idea it had the power to change lead to gold. Ether facilitated a sudden move from yin to yang, and back, effortlessly and if by magic.MORESaturn in Sagittarius
The End of EmpireAny or all of these world leaders could be deposed during Saturn's transit of Sagittarius. Clockwise from left, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe England's Theresa May; Grace Mugabe; US' Donald Trump; Germany's Angela Merkel. MOREOPHIUCHUS
The Power of WomenThousands of years ago women dominated human society. They were the clan leaders, hunters, astrologers, warriors and healers. We can only speculate about such antiquity because much of it lies beyond what is actually known or academically supported. However, astrology gives us a clue, since many original Zodiacal archetypes are female and were changed to men or animals by the Greeks and Romans. Ophiuchus, Aries, Leo and Taurus were all originally imagined as female symbols, only to be transmogrified much later into male stereotypes by male astrologers.>Who is Ophiuchus?>FAQ: The Sun in Ophiuchus>Ophiuchus in the signs>Who killed Ophiuchus?>The New Ophiuchus Nation>Angry Ophiuchus>Margaret Cho, Ophiuchus iconoclast>Abbe Hoffman, Ophiuchus revolutionary>Beethoven, Ophiuchus composer>James Holmes, Ophiuchus shooter>Andreas Lubitz, Ophiuchus suicideGreatest Living AstrologerOur 13-sign astrology group is extremely honored and proud to present Walter Berg to our readers. Walter single-handedly created modern 13 sign astrology from years of dogged observation and hand-calculation in the early 1970s. Using astronomical data, he corrected and redefined the over-simplified astrological wheel used by 12-sign astrologers to a 13 sign and 13 house horoscope that updates astrology into the space age.His tenacity and devotion to the true Zodiac, which resurrected Ophiuchus from a 2,000 year banishment, was a supreme and solitary sacrifice, which put at risk his career in astronomy, and was ignored for decades by astrologers. Thanks to his efforts for over 20 years, 13 astrology is available for everyone.Walter also wrote extensively about the effects and meanings of the planets and the signs, not only beautifully expressed, but also creating the most accurate descriptions of the archetypes that we all use in our astrological methodology.MORE about Walter, plus an exclusive interview.Women Who KillThe confidant, boastful world of men is spinning out of control, and women are fomenting a not-so-silent revolution. The yielding, supportive and suffering female is disappearing, and being replaced by a much more militant version of herself. Their pliant codependency with men has not served them well enough to let it continue, and women have had enough. Women are sifting through the rubble of their hopes and dreams and demanding more of themselves, and more from the men who have sabotaged them for centuries. They won't be willing victims of the system any longer.MOREMusic by OphiuchusNASA CONFIRMS
NASA's articleProof of OphiuchusComparison of the Zodiac systems
le>Get a Mug, etc.Subscribe to our newsletterRecommended Books[These books are for 12-sign astrology; However, aspect and transiting angles are the same in all systems.
Go to our Ophiuchus in the signs page for the meanings of the angles, planets and asteroids in Ophiuchus]Key Words for Astrology -- Paperback
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Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope -- Paperback
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Transits Simplified -- Paperback
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